Religious support

Sacra Famiglia grants, thanks to diocesan priests and religious people from different institutes, spiritual support to its guests and to their families respecting the people identity and creed.
Religious support is granted by:
- Diocesan priests
- Institute of Sisters of Maria Bambina (Cesano Boscone, in the Italian province of Milan)
- Community of Ancelle della Divina Provvidenza (Cesano Boscone, in the Italian province of Milan)
- Community of Capuchin Friars (Cesano Boscone, in the Italian province of Milan)
- Institute of Suore di Santa Marta (Regoledo di Perledo, in the Italian province of Lecco)
- Institute of Suore Battistine (Intra, in the Italian province of Verbania; Cocquio Trevisago, in the Italian province of Varese)
- Institute of Servi del Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Inzago, in the Italian province of Milan)
- Canons Regular of the Lateran by Santa Matilde parish (Andora, in the Italian province of Savona)
- Community of Franciscan Friars by Nostra Signora del Soccorso parish (Pietra Ligure, in the Italian province of Savona)
- Institute of Figlie della Presentazione di Maria Santissima al Tempio (Loano, in the Italian province of Savona).
The Capuchin Friars, who are in the branch of Cesano Boscone since 1981, offer the guests and those people looking after them a service of spiritual support: they do it by personal communication and relationship. Along with friars, religious animation is granted by the Sisters of Maria Bambina, who are in Fondazione since 1903. In the branch of Cesano Boscone, there are two other religious communities: a historical one is made up of the sisters of the Community of Ancelle della Divina Provvidenza. Monsignor Luigi Moneta founded this community in 1928 and now these sisters are in Unità San Luigi; the second community is more recent and is made up of old priests that need continuous healthcare support. Some of them grants collaboration, concerning in particular the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the celebration of Eucharist.
The main activities concerning religious animation in Cesano Boscone happen during the Holy Masses and during the preparation and mise-en-scene of Christmas and Easter plays. Moreover, friars promote prayer moments and pilgrimages.
An activity the guests wait for the most is the weekly proposal of “catechesis in the units” and “overall catechesis” in the theatre during Advent and Lent. These catechises make it possible for the disabled people and for their helpers to experience faith by using means that are appropriate for each one’s psychophysical condition. It is possible by using symbols, songs, gestures, icons and pictures.